
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Pigeonator is a Python based software project designed for deterring pigeons using friendly means such as playing a sound recording. To do so, pigeonator employs Yolov5 based object detection using a custom model that is specifically trained for detecting pigeons.

In the following video, you can see pigeonator in action, detecting a pigeon and playing a recorded window knocking sound that causes the pigeon to fly away:



Before installing Pigeonator, ensure that you have Python 3.6 or above installed on your system.

You can install Pigeonator by cloning the repository and running the setup script:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/mittmich/thepigeonator.git
    cd thepigeonator
  2. Install the package:

    python setup.py install

    It is recommended to use a virtual environment for installation to avoid potential conflicts with other Python packages you may have installed.


After installation, you can start using Pigeonator from the command line:

  • To deter pigeons, use the following command:

    Usage: pgn deter [OPTIONS] URL OUTPUTDIR
    --target_class TEXT
    --fps INTEGER
    --slack INTEGER
    --model TEXT
    --effector TEXT
    --record BOOLEAN
    --sound_path TEXT
    --minimum_number_detections INTEGER

    Here, URL refers to the url of your IP camera and the OUTPUTDIR refers to the directory, where recordings should be stored. target_class refers to the target class in your model that should trigger an effect, fps refers to the frames per second that your stream is supplying frames in, slack refers to the number of frames that the system will keep recording after an event has been registered. model, refers to the path of the Yolov5 model in onnx format, effector refers to the effector to be used, where the only option currently is the sound effector. record refers to whether detection events should be recorded, sound_path refers to the location of the audio file for the sound effector and minimum_number_detections refers to the treshold number of detections that are needed trigger an effect.

    There are defaults provided for all of the parameters, except for your IP camera URL and the outputdirectory. This repository contains two default sounds (a crow sound and a sound of someone knocking on glass) as well as a model that can detect pigeons. So to get going, you only need to run:

    pgn deter --effector sound YOUR_URL "./"

Detection logic

To save on compute resources, pigeonator currently employs a two-stage detection scheme. First, a simple motion detector is run on provided images. If the motion detector detects a motion, the images are passed to the Yolov5 bird detector that emits a detection if more then minimum_number_detections objects have been found on the passed images. The emitted detection then triggers video recording as well as the specified effector.


Pigeonator comes with a trained Yolov5 model at weights/bh_v1.onnx that has been trained to recognise the classes:

  • Pigeon
  • Crow
  • Blue Tit

Data set for model training

The data used for training the object detection model can be found on roboflow: https://universe.roboflow.com/michael-mitter-6ffsp/pigeonator