
Amazon Games: No longer supports game installation

jdfr228 opened this issue · 1 comments

Wiped the template since this is just an issue with the table in the readme:

Per this discussion from the Amazon integration repo: https://github.com/Rall3n/galaxy-integration-amazon/issues/24
The Amazon integration no longer supports (or maybe never properly did) game installation from GOG. Already-installed games can be launched, but not installed.

I propose changing the Install & Launch status for the Amazon integration to "Works with issues" or "Not implemented" depending on how you all would prefer to interpret an integration that can launch, but not install, games. I think leaving it as "Implemented" is going to get more issues on both this repo and the Amazon integration repo, since I won't be the only one to think something is wrong and want to open an issue about it.

Sorry if the selected label is incorrect or misleading.

@jdfr228 please create PR for that change, thanks!