
SoundScribe performs automatic music transcription, visualizes gathered data and enables user to modify the results.


See soundscribe-ui/


See soundscribe-be/


To run whole app with all components on localhost, run:

docker-compose up -d

Available services are:

  • localhost - UI app, running on nuxt.js
  • localhost/be - BE server
  • localhost/auth - authorization server panel

Note - there is no available script that allows you to change host instantly. To do that you have to change it on every container manually.


@thesis{ key,
  author = "Mateusz Lamecki \and Mikołaj Nogalski \and Krystian Nowakowski \and Bartosz Osipiuk",
  title = "{Rozbudowa modułu pozyskiwania, prezentacji i edycji melodii jednogłosowej muzyki
  tradycyjnej współpracującego z biblioteką cyfrową dLibra}",
  school = "Poznan University of Technology",
  address = "Pozna{\’n}, Poland",
  year = "2020",