
Mono support?

kurtsansom opened this issue · 2 comments

Would it be possible to support mono and is that of interest for this example?

Mizux commented

I won't since Microsoft release the .Net Core SDK for Linux, macOS and Windows it is not needed anymore to rely on the mono toolchain IMHO.


  1. While targeting netstandard2.0 for library (and netcorapp2.1 for sample) through the use of .Net Core SDK >= 3.1 LTS and the dotnet cli (IIRC) SWIG should generate code nearly compatible with net4.5.2 TFM
  2. On my todo list test the .Net5 SDK
  3. Did you take a look at https://github.com/Mizux/dotnet-native/blob/main/README.md ? (basically cmake-swig BUT for .Net only)

I was primarily interested in the cmake+swig+csharp and didn't see the dotnet-native project yet.