

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I didnt have time to test this solution but you can have a go and modify if needed:

def evaluate_iou(net, dataloader, device, amp):
    num_val_batches = len(dataloader)
    total_iou = 0.0
    total_precision = 0.0
    total_recall = 0.0
    total_f1 = 0.0

    classwise_iou = [0.0] * net.n_classes
    classwise_precision = [0.0] * net.n_classes
    classwise_recall = [0.0] * net.n_classes
    classwise_f1 = [0.0] * net.n_classes

    with torch.autocast(device.type if device.type != 'mps' else 'cpu', enabled=amp):
        for batch in tqdm(dataloader, total=num_val_batches, desc='IoU evaluation', unit='batch', leave=False):
            image, mask_true = batch['image'], batch['mask']
            image = image.to(device=device, dtype=torch.float32, memory_format=torch.channels_last)
            mask_true = mask_true.to(device=device, dtype=torch.long)
            mask_pred = net(image)

            for cls in range(net.n_classes):
                mask_pred_cls = (mask_pred.argmax(dim=1) == cls).float()
                mask_true_cls = (mask_true == cls).float()

                iou_cls = iou_score(mask_pred_cls, mask_true_cls)
                precision_cls = (mask_pred_cls * mask_true_cls).sum() / (mask_pred_cls.sum() + 1e-6)
                recall_cls = (mask_pred_cls * mask_true_cls).sum() / (mask_true_cls.sum() + 1e-6)
                f1_cls = 2 * (precision_cls * recall_cls) / (precision_cls + recall_cls + 1e-6)

                classwise_iou[cls] += iou_cls
                classwise_precision[cls] += precision_cls
                classwise_recall[cls] += recall_cls
                classwise_f1[cls] += f1_cls

    # Averaging the metrics over all batches
    num_batches = max(num_val_batches, 1)
    classwise_iou = [iou / num_batches for iou in classwise_iou]
    classwise_precision = [prec / num_batches for prec in classwise_precision]
    classwise_recall = [rec / num_batches for rec in classwise_recall]
    classwise_f1 = [f1 / num_batches for f1 in classwise_f1]

    # Optionally, you can calculate overall precision, recall, and F1 across all classes, but that depends on your evaluation strategy.
    return classwise_iou, classwise_precision, classwise_recall, classwise_f1

Originally posted by @MjdMahasneh in #1 (comment)
I try to add them to the train.py, but it failed, how to solve it. and when run the predict.py, have not output images

@FRC1221 you should add this to evaluate.py to replace evaluate_iou() function and then call it from trian.py.

Otherwise you can use it as you wish but you need to modify the code accordingly.

Please do not open another issue as this isn't an issue in the provided codes, this is a customization for your case and is not deemed an issue.

Feel free to comment here though and if i have the time am happy to help.

@FRC1221 you should add this to evaluate.py to replace evaluate_iou() function and then call it from trian.py.

Otherwise you can use it as you wish but you need to modify the code accordingly.

Please do not open another issue as this isn't an issue in the provided codes, this is a customization for your case and is not deemed an issue.

Feel free to comment here though and if i have the time am happy to help.

when run the predict.py, have not output images