
Template and Framework for Discord Bots built with Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Bot Template

Creating a Discord Bot from scratch can be tedious. We made this template for everyone to easily create and deploy customized discord bots.


  1. NodeJS, NPM, Git is installed in the system.
  2. The Developer should know basic Javascript.

Quick Setup

  1. Create a .env file containing the following:
# You can retrieve them at https://discord.com/developers/applications, when you create your own bot
  1. Run npm i in the terminal.
  2. Then, run npm start.

Beginner Step-by-step Setup

  1. Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and create a new Application.
  2. On the Left Menu Panel, Go to "Bot", and create a new bot.
  3. Again on the Left Menu Panel, Go to "OAuth2" → "URL Generator"
    • Under Scopes, Tick the "bot" checkbox.
    • Under Scopes, Tick the "applications.commands" checkbox.
    • Under Bot Permissions, Tick the "Adminstrator" checkbox.
  4. If you scroll down, you will see a Generated URL section. Copy it and paste it to your web browser's address bar. This will allow you to invite your newly created bot to your own Discord Server.
  5. Going back to the program files, Create a .env file containing the following:
# You can retrieve them at https://discord.com/developers/applications, when you create your own bot
  1. Run npm start in the terminal.
  2. Go back to your Discord Server where you added your bot, and try to run the command /hello.

Creating a Command

Each command is a separate .js file. All of the commands are located in ./src/commands/. You can use the already-included-sample-command file, hello.js, as a guide. To add choices to your slash command, refer to this documentation.


  • We highly suggest to not write your program inside index.js but instead create handlers for listeners for better organization. In our convention, we place these events in the ./src/handlers folder (e.g. message-create-handler.js and button-handler.js).
  • The .env file is not meant to be pushed to the remote repository. We added the file only for faster setup and straight-forward instruction.