A Starter Project that can be used for Advent of Code. The project provides,
- Auto Download of puzzle input when a day is run for the first time
- Script for generating a file per day and a test file per day
- Script for running single, multiple, and all days
- Other than having Deno installed, you need to have Velociraptor installed if you want to use the provided helper scripts.
- You also need to place a file called
in the root of this project. It should contains the contents of your Advent of Code Session cookie. It is valid for at least a month so you should be good for the duration of the event. - Under
make sure the year constant is set to the year you are currently working on.
Note: You do not need Velociraptor to use this, it is just to provide more conveniently written commands. The straight Deno cli commands are provided below as well.
git clone https://github.com/Mmarzex/advent-of-code-deno-starter
cd advent-of-code-deno-starter
rm -rf .git
git init && git add . && git commit -m "initial"
vr run generate --day <DAY_NUMBER>
deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --unstable generateDay.ts --day <DAY_NUMBER>
vr run day --day <DAY_NUMBER>
deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --unstable index.ts --day <DAY_NUMBER>
vr run all
deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --unstable index.ts --run-all
vr run test
deno test --unstable days/