
[BUG]: Lime mission stops growing a field

Closed this issue · 8 comments


I was able to reproduce the bug while i was trying hard to see how is possible a field to stop growing and after spending few hours i noticed that when i am taking a Lime mission and i finish it when i click on Collect to get the money from that contract then the field is stopping from growing, the crop is still there but is never growing up, i took a short video to show you how is that possible, i'm here if you need any other detail. Also i checked the log.txt and there is not any error there, this is an IMPORTANT bug and seems happening always when taking a Lime contract its totally destroying and stopping its grow.

UPDATE: Even if i try to Cancel the contract (without click on Collect) it's also bugging.

Video (25MB):

  • Thanks!
Mmtrx commented

I have started looking into this. Do you happen to know the field's status BEFORE you started liming? Like harvested/stubble, or plowed/sown?

And yes, the "lime finished field 20" is a debug msg from BC. I'd also appreciate to see your complete log.

Ok, I have started looking into this. Do you happen to know the field's status BEFORE you started liming? Like harvested/stubble, or plowed/sown?

BEFORE canceling the contract and starts bugging:


AFTER cancelling the contract and bugged:


I'd also appreciate to see your complete log.

Log File: log.txt

I also will provide the savegame folder just in case you want it:

Mmtrx commented

think I have found a fix (didn't test very much with PF yet). Please give this a try (will have some debug msgs in the log):

Ok, think I have found a fix (didn't test very much with PF yet). Please give this a try (will have some debug msgs in the log):

Ok thanks for your time, i have tested my savegame using your new fixed version, the bug is still there and is not fixed, here is the log.txt

Mmtrx commented

I forgot to mention: field 20 (and maybe other fields that you started a lime mission on) is corrupted in your savegame. You can repair that with EDC:

  • stand on field 20, hit F12
  • select field from the left menu
  • change Fruit to Potatoes (or whatever was on that field)
  • verify that Growth is on Sown, and
  • (optional) set Plowed To Yes

I just want to say that I had one lime mission yet since I started my new save and I went to that field to check it, it's growing as ususal.
It shows all info on the HUD, incl. PF.

I did that mission with the latest release, but I checked after I installed the test version of mentioned at #161 (comment)

Ok i made a new game, fully tested this bug and seems is being fixed, the growing state is now not being stopped.

EDIT: i got some warnings in the log.txt i don't know if any of them are important for you, but i uploaded just in case.

Thanks for the fix.

Mmtrx commented

Thanks for testing. The official new update is here (without debug log messages).

Other messages in your log come from mod FS22_3rdPerson:

  dataS/scripts/sounds/SoundManager.lua (1115) : playSample
  dataS/scripts/player/PlayerModel.lua (875) : playSample
  dataS/scripts/player/Player.lua (2419) : setSoundParameters
  =D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_3rdPerson/thirdPerson.lua (398) : updateSound