[BUG]: Lime mission stops growing a field
Closed this issue · 8 comments
I was able to reproduce the bug while i was trying hard to see how is possible a field to stop growing and after spending few hours i noticed that when i am taking a Lime mission and i finish it when i click on Collect to get the money from that contract then the field is stopping from growing, the crop is still there but is never growing up, i took a short video to show you how is that possible, i'm here if you need any other detail. Also i checked the log.txt and there is not any error there, this is an IMPORTANT bug and seems happening always when taking a Lime contract its totally destroying and stopping its grow.
UPDATE: Even if i try to Cancel the contract (without click on Collect) it's also bugging.
Video (25MB): https://ufile.io/v9i1w61c
- Thanks!
I have started looking into this. Do you happen to know the field's status BEFORE you started liming? Like harvested/stubble, or plowed/sown?
And yes, the "lime finished field 20" is a debug msg from BC. I'd also appreciate to see your complete log.
Ok, I have started looking into this. Do you happen to know the field's status BEFORE you started liming? Like harvested/stubble, or plowed/sown?
BEFORE canceling the contract and starts bugging:
AFTER cancelling the contract and bugged:
I'd also appreciate to see your complete log.
Log File: log.txt
I also will provide the savegame
folder just in case you want it: savegame1.zip
think I have found a fix (didn't test very much with PF yet). Please give this a try (will have some debug msgs in the log):
Ok, think I have found a fix (didn't test very much with PF yet). Please give this a try (will have some debug msgs in the log): FS22_LimeMission.zip
Ok thanks for your time, i have tested my savegame using your new fixed version, the bug is still there and is not fixed, here is the log.txt
I forgot to mention: field 20 (and maybe other fields that you started a lime mission on) is corrupted in your savegame. You can repair that with EDC:
I just want to say that I had one lime mission yet since I started my new save and I went to that field to check it, it's growing as ususal.
It shows all info on the HUD, incl. PF.
I did that mission with the latest release, but I checked after I installed the test version of FS22_LimeMission.zip mentioned at #161 (comment)
Ok i made a new game, fully tested this bug and seems is being fixed, the growing state is now not being stopped.
EDIT: i got some warnings in the log.txt i don't know if any of them are important for you, but i uploaded just in case.
Thanks for the fix.
Thanks for testing. The official new update is here (without debug log messages).
Other messages in your log come from mod FS22_3rdPerson:
dataS/scripts/sounds/SoundManager.lua (1115) : playSample
dataS/scripts/player/PlayerModel.lua (875) : playSample
dataS/scripts/player/Player.lua (2419) : setSoundParameters
=D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_3rdPerson/thirdPerson.lua (398) : updateSound