
Keep weapons on boss enter

Closed this issue ยท 11 comments

Alua7 commented

An option to not to lose current weapon when enter the boss?
Also recruits sometimes disappear when entering the boss(cannot be summoned).
Situation: 2 players enters yamada - I can summon. He defeats us, I take another recruit - it always disappear(he defeated us several times :D ).

for the weapons, I can have a look.
For the summon, that sounds like a bug. ๐Ÿค” Is that happening using the mod? And you tell me it is inconsistent with Yamada (can summon on first try but then, if another recruit is taken, impossible to summon)? Strange.

Alua7 commented

Well... - 1:15:55 - I can summon. 1:28:03 - recruit dissapeared. 1:34:08 - another try. (active recruits: true. if it matters)

We need to check if this is due to the mod or not. Definitely a bug, whatever the source of it. Thanks for the video! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Alua7 commented

Just in a case it could help.
We've started experiencing major troubles with recruits. Summoned "King" hang in endless loading and caused noises until we leave location.
1:03:00 - Riki accidently summons "King"
1:03:21 - Sound becomes constant
we tried to exit to main menu
1:07:13 - "hanged King"
1:08:40 - Riki takes bad cop and he hangs immediately
1:11:31 - Kunio takes schoolgirl and she hangs
After game restart it fixes.
And looks like it's game's bug not mod' one. (other people experienced same)

@Alua7 Very strange. Is it the same with the passive mod? (I guess since you mentioned that some people experience the same issue without the mod.) Thanks for the video.
@binhdvo this might interests you.

Keeping the weapons while entering boss rooms seems to be working. Might lead to other bugs though. It will require some testing.

@Alua7 You might want to create a new separate issue for the summon bug. The weapon issue will be close soon as it is part of the 1.3 version of the mod. ;)

Hey, can you confirm if the recruits bug happens when activeRecruits is false? What about when not using the mod at all?

Alua7 commented

tbh I'm refering to discord's dude who was writing "Is anyone else experiencing the recruit button breaking? Know of any workaround?" and "Rebooting fixes it for me, but that means shutting the entire game down and relaunching; not just returning to the menu screen." when I say "other people too". We had this with similar symptoms so...
I'll try to check inactive recruits and clean game...

Alua7 commented

Bugs are not detected this far ๐Ÿ’ฏ

I'm closing the main issue (keeping weapons for bosses). If needed don't hesitate to create a new issue for the other recruit bug. Thanks!