
Bug that might be related to shared rewards

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I was testing v1.3 and the second i died my money went from 80 to 9999 (i got the achievement of collecting $5000) and after that my money looks like this

Alua7 commented

Numbers summed not as numbers? :P
Forgive me if I'm getting wrong, but aren't any unlocked(available) characters get items, money and XP for missions? Or feature is intended to disable it?

@Gekasx So you activated shared rewards? I need to test that.
@Alua7 NaN could be displayed if the number is infinity or is the result of a division by 0 in runtime (iirc Unity doesn't crash at all in that case).

@Gekasx Can you give me more context? What else did you changed? Were you playing alone or with another player?

Can't reproduce with a clean install and using Rikki in solo while getting defeated by the first boss.
I need to try in coop. it is certainly related to shared rewards.

🤔 Strange... I'm gonna check the code directly.

@Gekasx I changed the shared rewards feature to avoid potential division by 0. I can't be 100% sure that was the source of your issue but I'm pretty sure. Give it a try by re-downloading the pack again (It's updated) and let me know.

i tried to replicate the bug with no succes (with the previous version and the new one) i guess it was a super specific situation because the only factor that actually matters was me playing alone after misako's death

Thank you! I think it should be fine now. I'm gonna close that issue for now.