
Month and Year validation

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello, First of all, thank you for this awesome library.

I am creating an app which needs card details. but I need validation for year and month. month and year should not be selected from the past.. how to achieve this please let me know.

Thanks, @nikhil191090 to add this.
Will look into it in a few days and add the feature like user can't select from past month or year.

@RC7770 Thank you for Reply. can u tell me when ur going to add this? that will be much appreciated

@nikhil191090: will add this after 3days, Thanks!

@RC7770 Thank you so much for quick Response. will wait for the new update (like)

@RC7770 still waiting for this month date validation functionality. please help me soon i am stuck here

@RC7770 Hello I am still waiting for validation on month and year please help!!