
Feature Request: support App Clip invocation URL in custom schemes

luispadron opened this issue · 4 comments

Schemes which have a binary launch target that is also an App Clip can support a new plist property:


This is a single URL that will be provided to the app clip during launch. It is useful for teams to set this in their schemes so they do not need to modify the schemes every time the project is generated.

Planning on implementing this when I get some free time, if someone would prefer to take this up let me know!

Planning on implementing this when I get some free time, if someone would prefer to take this up let me know!

I would like to give it a shot but need some guidance on where to start.


@adincebic you can take a look at: #2785 and #2866 which implemented a similar change to the schemes API.

@brentleyjones if you have other suggestions to get them started

As a workaround for now: using _XCAppClipURL as an environment variable in the run section of the App Clip scheme still works in Xcode 15.x. The scheme UI in Xcode does not show it as the "App Clip Invocation URL" but the app clip still recognized that URL during launch in my testing.