
ACTransit Open Source

actransitdevteam opened this issue · 6 comments is new open source software repository for AC Transit applications. Currently, ACTransit.Training has been released.
TransAM is an open-source asset management platform

@actransitdevteam Congrats, that's great!

Could you please open a pull request adding TransAm to the main README? I think it would probably fit best under "Agency Tools" -

We aren't yet listing agency open-source respositories, but I think it would be great to start a new section for that. Maybe under "Community", something like:


Places to ask questions and find other community resources.

Should we clone this repository? I see the outstanding two issues haven't been added (from april?)

@mpaine-act The proper way to contribute to this repository is to fork it on Github, create a new branch, add your change as a new commit, and then open a pull request here with your changes. You can see how other have done this in the past by looking at other pull requests that have been merged here -

The issue from April is my own - I just haven't gotten around to putting it into a pull request format yet :).

Will do. thanks,

Thanks! And actually, I believe Github now makes this process even simpler - if you go to the README in this repository and click the edit button, it will automatically take care of forking the repo, creating a new branch, and opening the pull request:


@actransitdevteam Also, it's fine to leave this issue open until the pull request is closed/merged - issues are a good placeholder until the info actually gets merged.