
Add Ride Pilot

barbeau opened this issue · 5 comments

Originally by RideConnection:

Looks like Cambridge Systematics now has an updated version:

CS marketing site:

Same as other projects that have a main and fork on Github - if the above project READMEs are updated to reflect the current status of the projects (is Ride Connection version deprecated?) then we can add to the list.

@keviniano and @sheldonabrown / @xudongcamsys I'd like to add Ride Pilot to this list (awesome-transit), but currently it's not clear how the Ride Connection ( and Cambridge Systematics ( projects are different. For example, is the Ride Connection version deprecated?

Would you be able to update the READMEs to make the relationship between the two projects clearer?

My understanding is the Ride Connection version is still running on its own, but there hasn't been any new feature implemented in the past 2-3 years. The CS version is forked off Ride Connection version and has been under active development since then. CS has been working with Utah Transit Authority to expand Ride Pilot capabilities to meet their needs.

Thanks @keviniano! I just added it to the list.