
cant get it to work on a certain script

Closed this issue · 4 comments

so usually atleast for every other resource ive been able to get it to work but this one script is being jankey

this is the code

if not unit then
            drug = true
                name = "coke",
                duration = 10000,
                label = 'Coke Started to Form',
                useWhileDead = false,
                canCancel = true,
                 controlDisables = {
                    disableMovement = true,
                    disableCarMovement = true,
                    disableMouse = false,
                    disableCombat = true,
                animation = {
                    animDict = "mp_arresting",
                    anim = "a_uncuff",
                    flags = 49,
            }, function(cancelled)
                if not cancelled then
                    weed = false


ive tried making it

  if not unit then
           drug = true
               name = "coke",
               duration = 10000,
               label = 'Coke Started to Form',

ive also tried

       if not unit then
            drug = true
            exports.rprogress:Start("Coke Started to Form", 10000)

but nothing can get it to work, the closet ive gotten was with my first solution but i get an error No such export ShowNotification in resource FeedM2 any help would be appriciated, i know this isnt an issue necesarilly but if you could point me in the right direction because ive never seen a script run it like this thank you

The Start() method just takes text and duration parameters:

exports.rprogress:Start(text, duration)

You need to use the Custom() method instead:

    Async = true,
    x = 0.5,
    y = 0.5,
    From = 0,
    To = 100,
    Duration = 1000,
    Radius = 60,
    Stroke = 10,
    MaxAngle = 360,
    Rotation = 0,
    Easing = "easeLinear",
    Label = "My Custom Label",
    LabelPosition = "right",
    Color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)",
    BGColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)",
    Animation = {
        scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_AA_SMOKE",
        animationDictionary = "missheistfbisetup1", 
        animationName = "unlock_loop_janitor",
    DisableControls = {
        Mouse = true,
        Player = true,
        Vehicle = true
    onStart = function()
        -- do something when progress starts
    onComplete = function()
        -- do something when progress is complete

Ahh i see, now i notice ot says animation directory? Ine nevee actually used animations is there a certain place i have to get animations from?

Alright, thank you so much!