
It is possible to turn off the style setting plugin but not to restart it.

839909822 opened this issue · 5 comments

It is possible to turn off the style setting plugin but not to restart it.

Could you please elaborate on this? How do you stop and restart it? And what exactly happens when you do it, is there any error message in the console (ctrl+shift+I)?

When clicking on the enable or disable icon in the Plugin Groups interface or using its shortcut keys, certain plugins such as "quickadd" "style settings" can only be closed through the plugin but not opened, and there appear to be no anomalies in the console.

Alright thanks, I'll take a look!

BoltLi commented

Alright thanks, I'll take a look!

Hello, I have the same problem. I find it was a common problem, more than one plugin has the problem, such as Custom Frames, Commander, CardBoard and etc.

BoltLi commented

Alright thanks, I'll take a look!

Also, I have tried another plugin manager(the name of the plugin is Plugin Manager), and then the conclusion is that I have to toggle the same plugin twice in order to restart it. But with the group plugin, I can't restart the plugin even toggle more than twice. Hope it would be help.