
[FR] Device-specific Load on Startup/Delay settings

technotherion opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello. I have a group called "GuiExtend" that contains a lot of toolbars and extra panels that are compatible with both my desktop and mobile device. Although these panels are very useful on desktop, they often add clutter and increase plugin load time on mobile.

When I open Obsidian on Desktop, I want to allow this plugin group to load by default. However, on Mobile, I do not want it to load by default and I want it to instead load it via command if needed.

My current solution, which works perfectly fine.

Create GuiExtend group that is active on PC and Mobile with a command.
Create GuiExtendDesktop group that contains GuiExtend group and is only active on desktop and has "Load on Startup" checked.

Why this workaround could become an issue

Imagine that someone has three or four devices with different capabilities. One is a tablet, one is a mobile device, one's a desktop computer and one's an old laptop that struggles to open a web browser. In order to create custom "load on start up" or "delay" settings for each device, I would have to create a separate group per device -- or groups, if needing to configure multiple per device. This adds a lot of clutter.

Suggestion Method 1: Add toggle for device-specific startup/delay settings

If group is active on more than one device, add a toggle for "per device" to the startup area.
When toggled on, the devices will each be listed with their own "Load on Startup" and "Delay" settings.
When toggled off, all devices will use the same settings.

Suggestion Method 2: If more than one device is selected, show settings for both.

If multiple devices are present and "Active on All devices" is active (no devices are checked), make the heading say "Startup - All devices"
If multiple devices are present and one device is checked, specify under the Startup heading what device you're currently configuring these settings for. (e.g. - Startup - Mobile)
If multiple devices are present and multiple devices are checked, give settings per device the group is active on. (e.g. Startup - Desktop and then Startup - Mobile)