
No module named petrel_client

Lvjinhong opened this issue · 5 comments

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Issue description:

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I encountered the 'No module named petrel_client' error.

I found this code in lightllm/utils/

 def _init_petrel(self):
            from petrel_client.client import Client
            self.client = Client(self.conf_path)

But I think petrel_client is not a Python package, and I am confused about the meaning of this code.

Please list the steps to reproduce the issue, such as:

  1. command 0
  2. command 2
  3. command 3
  4. See error

Expected behavior:

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Error logging:

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Please provide information about your environment, such as:

  • Using container

  • OS: (Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS7)

  • GPU info:

    • nvidia-smi (e.g. NVIDIA-SMI 525.116.04 Driver Version: 525.116.04 CUDA Version: 12.0)
    • Graphics cards: (e.g. 4090x8)
  • Python: (e.g. CPython3.9)

    • currently, only python>=3.9 is supported
  • LightLLm: (git commit-hash)

    • for container: docker run --entrypoint cat --rm /lightllm/.git/refs/heads/main
  • openai-triton: pip show triton

Additional context:

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Please use English as much as possible for better communication.

@Lvjinhong This is a code for internal use that implements a distributed storage reading method.

@Lvjinhong This code will not affect the normal reading method. You can ignore it.

@Lvjinhong This code will not affect the normal reading method. You can ignore it.

So is the library open to the public? Is there any way I can install it?

@Lvjinhong This code will not affect the normal reading method. You can ignore it.

So is the library open to the public? Is there any way I can install it?

This is an internal library we use that's not open-sourced. You can ignore it.

@Lvjinhong This code will not affect the normal reading method. You can ignore it.

So is the library open to the public? Is there any way I can install it?

This is an internal library we use that's not open-sourced. You can ignore it.

Thanks, I get it