Wanda OOM to be fixed
guanchenl opened this issue · 2 comments
guanchenl commented
When Wanda used to prune 30b+ llms, function get_row_scale OOM for an 32GB GPU caused by large activation batch, I feixed it:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from loguru import logger
from llmc.utils.registry_factory import ALGO_REGISTRY
from .base_blockwise_sparsification import BaseBlockwiseSparsification
class Wanda(BaseBlockwiseSparsification):
def __init__(self, model, sparsity_config, input, config):
super().__init__(model, sparsity_config, input, config)
def get_row_scale(self, layer, act, scaler_row):
if isinstance(act, list):
act = torch.cat(act, dim=0)
if len(act.shape) == 2:
act = act.unsqueeze(0)
if isinstance(layer, nn.Linear):
if len(act.shape) == 3:
act = act.reshape((-1, act.shape[-1]))
act = act.t()
act = act.type(torch.float32).to(scaler_row.device)
scaler_row += torch.norm(act, p=2, dim=1) ** 2
return scaler_row
def subset_transform(
layers = list(layers_dict.values())
for layer in layers:
columns = layer.weight.data.shape[1]
scaler_row = torch.zeros((columns), device=layer.weight.device)
nsamples = 0
for batch_idx in range(len(input_feat[input_name])):
scaler_row = self.get_row_scale(layer, input_feat[input_name][batch_idx], scaler_row)
nsamples += input_feat[input_name][batch_idx].shape[0]
scaler_row /= nsamples
W_metric = torch.abs(layer.weight.data) * torch.sqrt(scaler_row.reshape((1, -1)))
W_mask = (torch.zeros_like(W_metric) == 1) # initialize a mask to be all False
if self.sparser.prunen != 0:
# semi-structured n:m sparsity
for input_idx in range(W_metric.shape[1]):
if input_idx % self.sparser.prunem == 0:
tmp = W_metric[:, input_idx:(input_idx+self.sparser.prunem)].float()
W_mask.scatter_(1, input_idx+torch.topk(tmp, self.sparser.prunen,dim=1, largest=False)[1], True)
sort_res = torch.sort(W_metric, dim=-1, stable=True)
indices = sort_res[1][:, : int(W_metric.shape[1] * self.sparser.sparsity)]
W_mask.scatter_(1, indices, True)
layer.weight.data[W_mask] = 0 # set weights to zero
llmc-reviewer commented
Thank you, you can submit the code and raise a PR
guanchenl commented
I'll make it on weekends.