Encode Alloy example, Birthday Book in Z3
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related to #96
module examples/toys/birthday
* Birthday Book
* A classic Z example to explain the basic form of an Alloy model. For the original,
* see J.M. Spivey, The Z Notation, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1992.
* A birthday book has two fields: known, a set of names (of persons whose birthdays are known),
* and date, a function from known names to dates. The operation AddBirthday adds an association
* between a name and a date; it uses the relational override operator (++), so any existing
* mapping from the name to a date is replaced. DelBirthday removes the entry for a given name.
* FindBirthday obtains the date d for a name n. The argument d is declared to be optional (that is,
* a singleton or empty set), so if there is no entry for n, d will be empty. Remind gives the set
* of names whose birthdays fall on a particular day.
* The assertion AddWorks says that if you add an entry, then look it up, you get back what you
* just entered. DelIsUndo says that doing DelBirthday after AddBirthday undoes it, as if the add
* had never happened. The first of these assertions is valid; the second isn't.
* The function BusyDay shows a case in which Remind produces more than one card.
* author: Daniel Jackson, 11/14/01
sig Name {}
sig Date {}
sig BirthdayBook {known: set Name, date: known -> one Date}
pred AddBirthday [bb, bb': BirthdayBook, n: Name, d: Date] {
bb'.date = bb.date ++ (n->d)
pred DelBirthday [bb, bb': BirthdayBook, n: Name] {
bb'.date = bb.date - (n->Date)
pred FindBirthday [bb: BirthdayBook, n: Name, d: lone Date] {
d = bb.date[n]
pred Remind [bb: BirthdayBook, today: Date, cards: set Name] {
cards = (bb.date).today
pred InitBirthdayBook [bb: BirthdayBook] {
no bb.known
assert AddWorks {
all bb, bb': BirthdayBook, n: Name, d: Date, d': lone Date |
AddBirthday [bb,bb',n,d] && FindBirthday [bb',n,d'] => d = d'
assert DelIsUndo {
all bb1,bb2,bb3: BirthdayBook, n: Name, d: Date|
AddBirthday [bb1,bb2,n,d] && DelBirthday [bb2,bb3,n]
=> bb1.date = bb3.date
check AddWorks for 3 but 2 BirthdayBook expect 0
check DelIsUndo for 3 but 2 BirthdayBook expect 1
pred BusyDay [bb: BirthdayBook, d: Date]{
some cards: set Name | Remind [bb,d,cards] && !lone cards
run BusyDay for 3 but 1 BirthdayBook expect 1