- 0
- 0
Examine Java Pathfinder (JPF) project of NASA for verification of Java programs.
#53 opened by ferhaterata - 0
- 0
Unnecessary dependencies
#22 opened by emrekirmizi - 0
Improve folding algorithm.
#27 opened by ferhaterata - 0
Add a context menu item for each element to delete the associated context from the program.
#28 opened by ferhaterata - 0
- 0
If a model is declared for an instance, resolve the class of each eObject and show in the content outline page
#34 opened by ferhaterata - 0
Add a context menu item for each slot of an eObject or an eObject on Content Outline of Instance Editor to create the associated context on the program
#41 opened by ferhaterata - 0
- 0
Transformation of Ecore Models into Java Compilation Units using Eclipse JDT (Java Development Tools) to get warnings such as unused types besides type checking and detecting various semantic errors of language constructs
#51 opened by ferhaterata - 0
Transformation of Ecore Models and Constraints into Alloy Specifications for type checking and various semantic errors of expressions and formulas
#46 opened by ferhaterata - 0
- 0
Resolve Variables and Relations while parsing using semantic predicates of ANTLR
#30 opened by ferhaterata - 0
Implement a first version for KodKod Interpretation of ECore Models and Instances
#37 opened by ferhaterata - 0
Investigate the possibility of using the type system of Z formal specification language (Spivey's Z).
#52 opened by ferhaterata - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
Preserve the order of EModelElements while translating them into textual format using possibly ETreeIterator
#48 opened by ferhaterata - 0
- 0
Resolve names using the namespace approach that OMG proposed or using JAVA approach
#31 opened by ferhaterata - 1
- 1
- 0
Assess the feasibility and benefits of encoding UML 2.5 abstract syntax and semantics in AlloyInEcore to generate the java implementation automatically.
#55 opened by ferhaterata - 0
Auto-complete incomplete words when pressed C+space (actually it works when empty)
#50 opened by ferhaterata - 0
- 0
Transformation of Ecore Models into Java Compilation Units for type checking and various semantic errors of language constructs
#39 opened by ferhaterata - 0
there must be syntax highlighting scheme for keywords of formulas and expressions.
#26 opened by ferhaterata - 0
- 0
EcoreTranslator: order of features in a class should be as such EAttribute, EReference and EOperation
#42 opened by ferhaterata - 0
- 0
- 0
Displaying problem of nested annotations
#15 opened by ferhaterata - 0
- 0
When parent has been removed, check children and if there is a marker, remove it.
#13 opened by ferhaterata - 0
Add markertype to exist marker
#21 opened by emrekirmizi - 0
CountMarkersForFile will be added to Command
#19 opened by serhat93 - 0
When Ecore is closed without saving action, markers don't revert to old version
#17 opened by serhat93 - 1
Test Task
#12 opened by ferhaterata - 1
Closing the visibility of markers
#16 opened by ferhaterata - 0
#20 opened by emrekirmizi - 0
Test Backlog #4
#5 opened by ferhaterata - 0
Test Backlog #5
#6 opened by ferhaterata - 0
- 0
Test Backlog #2: ..
#2 opened by ferhaterata - 1
Test Backlog #3: ...
#3 opened by ferhaterata