Java project option doesnt appear in Modelio 5.3.1
ejgutierrez74 opened this issue · 2 comments
When i want to create a new project, with java designer and java profile, in version 5.1 appear an option to enable Java.
In 5.3.1 when you select new project, this option doesnt appear so you cant generate the java code.
Hope this could be fixed soon.
In Modelio 5.3.1, this option has been removed so as to align the way java project extensions are handled with other types of projects extensions.
To create a Java project, you must deploy the JavaDesigner module in a new project from the module configuration page.
If the java module is not present in your module catalog, this one can be downloaded at this url:
And is there any place to read the documentation, because i couldnt read this change.
1 - So when i create a new project, in modules i have to assigna/add the java designer module if i want to work in Java . I did this way, dont know if its ritght:
First of all i create the project and then go to configuration of modules of the project:
Then add java designer module ;
So finally would have to have something similar to:
Is this right ?
2 - Is there any documentation to read the differences between different methods of generate code mode ? Round trip, model driven,
3 - When you generate the java code, the .java files doesnt appear in the project ? How can i find them ? Would be nice to have some kind of code or project code folder with this files. Easy to use and find. Also would be nice to add a project explorer / code generated files to read and edit them inside Modelio.