
Not adding inputtypes class

Dan503 opened this issue · 4 comments

I wanted to use the inputtypes test in my project

Customizr was able to pick up on the fact that I used the rules in in the project and the JS rule Modernizr.inputtypes.range is working from the generated js file just fine.

The generated code did not add the inputtypes class to the html element though even though all of the other tests are getting added

<html class="js flexbox flexwrap svg csspointerevents backgroundblendmode objectfit object-fit csstransforms js js-loaded" lang="en">

This also seems to be the case for the input modernizr test

Yes, this is either a bug or at the very least, the documentation needs to be updated to show that the inputtypes class is no longer added.

rejas commented

This seems to be a bug in Modernizr and not in customizr.

The issue is already tracked I think in Modernizr/Modernizr#2130

rejas commented

Same issue with the test for input, adds a js object for it but doesnt add any css classes to the html-tag. Or is there some intention behind it @patrickkettner ?

dont believe its intentional. As it is an upstream issue like @rejas said, closing this one in favor of it