
Player bullet goes through enemies

Closed this issue · 2 comments

this is a regression bug :(

Need some clarification on the intended behavior: are environment objects supposed to block attacks? I assume floor switches, at least, shouldn't prevent hitting an enemy on top of it or another object behind it. Current setup has the virtual sword projectile pass through all environment sprites except doors, triggering any interaction along the way. The projectile is destroyed on collision with doors, living enemies, or if the center of the projectile hits a wall. If environment objects need to prevent hitting things on the other side then the best way to do this is probably just re-implementing the SetWall/ClearWall trick previously used for doors but for all solid objects and using the newer wall system (this can now be done without any tilemap edits).

Hi Aaron,

All objects interact w/ the player sword bullet. So, if two objects are in a line, the closest object is the one that gets the collision, preventing the demo above from happening. LMK if you want to do a call :).