A project based on Object Oriented Programming in C++(CSE-2102) Course.Pure C++ is used

Primary LanguageC++

People's Information Management System of Bangladesh(PIMS)

This a project based on Object Oriented Programming in C++(CSE-2102) Course.

Project Details

To open The project:

  • clone the whole repository in Visual studio 2022 .In this Case, Build and run will do the job .

  • Or copy the main.cpp file into any IDE or VS code and create a file named AdminsDataBase.txt.Then enter some names and password



  • To create a Database of Citizens of bangladesh.

** Features: **

  • Easily Records peoples's information
  • Easy to find data
  • Information Security as only administrator have the rights to delete or update information
  • Environment Friendly as no paper is needed.
  • Reduce cost and workforce as less people is required to operate.

Project Description:

  • There are multiple options in this program : image

  • A database file keep all the Id and password of people with Editor access.Only they can Edit , delete information.


  • Editor Login Page. image
  • Things that a editor can do .


  • Add Information Page: image
  • This is the Public User login page. first a person must register to the program to add or view information. image
  • Things that a user can do . image