
Broken highlight colors

shinobu-uwu opened this issue · 1 comments

As you can see everything is blue and yellow, disabling treesitter doesn't change much. Not sure what caused this, I ran lazy sync last friday and it stopped working properly, so my guess is some plugin integration broke? Here is my config

screenshot 7

I am having the same issue after upgrading my Neovim. Could it be related to this?

It seems this colorscheme does not yet support the new semantic highlight groups. Adding this code (from the linked Reddit source above) works as a temporary fix for me:

local links = {
  ['@lsp.type.namespace'] = '@namespace',
  ['@lsp.type.type'] = '@type',
  ['@lsp.type.class'] = '@type',
  ['@lsp.type.enum'] = '@type',
  ['@lsp.type.interface'] = '@type',
  ['@lsp.type.struct'] = '@structure',
  ['@lsp.type.parameter'] = '@parameter',
  ['@lsp.type.variable'] = '@variable',
  [''] = '@property',
  ['@lsp.type.enumMember'] = '@constant',
  ['@lsp.type.function'] = '@function',
  ['@lsp.type.method'] = '@method',
  ['@lsp.type.macro'] = '@macro',
  ['@lsp.type.decorator'] = '@function',
for newgroup, oldgroup in pairs(links) do
  vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, newgroup, { link = oldgroup, default = true })