
The template is incompatible with Zabbix 3.4.7

tiborkiss opened this issue · 4 comments

After commenting out many tags, which were unexpected, now I see missing tags also.
It is possible to have a backported version from this template?

Can you provide details? This template was originally created in 3.4.x and no modification was done to support 4.x

Additionally, as is listed in the README, this template is currently intended for Zabbix 4.0. As I am no longer running a Zabbix 3.x installation I can't provide assistance in troubleshooting any issues you have without your assistance.

The current error says the following:

Invalid tag "/zabbix_export/templates/template(1)/discovery_rules/discovery_rule(1)/item_prototypes/item_prototype(1)": the tag "master_item_prototype" is missing.

Before that I had to remove some tags (many), but now I have to guess the missings.

Unfortunately I am not familiar with Zabbix's template details. Surprisingly I couldn't find a converter between versions.

Finally I solved the problem. Temporarily I created an AWS instance with Zabbix 4.0, imported there the template, then manually I recreated the template in my zabbix 3.4 to look like in zabbix 4.0.
I also exported, zipped and attached here for reference.

Then I did some tests and I am happy with this zabbix agent extension.


Awesome work! Glad you like the extension.