
[Feature Request] Publish the android app

MohamedBassem opened this issue Β· 46 comments

The mobile app is already cross-platform. We just need to test and publish it to the play store.


The app is now live on the play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.hoarder.hoardermobile&pcampaignid=web_share


Ok, so google just accepting the app for closed testing!

To join the closed testing group, you'll need to join this google group: https://groups.google.com/g/hoarder-android-testers

Once you've joined (I guess you might need to give it a minute or two), you can use the following link to install the app from the app store:

We will need at least 20 testers, for 2 weeks for the app to get listed on the play store. Please give it a try and let me know how it goes!

I can test this if needed

As of (26b53e2), the android app is ready for submission to the play store. Going through the submission process right now :)

Ok, the app right now is under google's review. Will share the testing link once it's available. We'll need to get some testers before it's widely distributed in the play store.

I am open to testing as well

Also happy to opt in for testing

If the .apk was linked in this thread, i'd put it on a phone I have...
[Read: please also enroll me in testing.]

Here's the apk: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VEeN6KDCHe0jy8PmX0I3sZLtY5DZ2Wd3/view?usp=sharing (first time doing this, so hope I've done it right).

Will share the testing invitation link once google allows me to do so.

Network request failed
Server Address

Also, the following happens:

  • when I start typing in the password, gboard defaults to a capital letter, please make it not do that.βΈΈ
  • failed for me the first time on some sort of error but worked this time
  • when trying to edit the server address, the text is entered backwards, so adding the http:// to results in `//:ptth192.168.1.2
  • you should have some sort of verification on the email address to the point that it is in the form of user@*domain.tld so users don't enter a username instead of a password like i did..you know to idiot proof the login.
  • I noticed this on audiobookshelf: be careful that you don't let the entry include a [white]space after the email address/password. messes me up on abs all the time.

βΈΈI do not expect password entry to default to caps (e.g., the way it does for text entry) and i'm sure others will get tripped up there as well. don't know if it would happen on other keyboards besides gboard but i assume that one is pretty popular.

You probably should add the protocol as well, so (or https if you're using https)

Settings > Log > Logs me out instead of showing log.
This phone has android 8 on it if that makes a difference.

"Home" is truncated to "Hom" at the top of the screen

@iconoclasthero thanks a lot for the feedback :) You're the first android tester, so expect some bugs :) Please keep the bug report coming.

  1. I'll look into the weird behavior of the server address. I think I know what's happening.
  2. I'll look into the auto captilize thing as well.
  3. Settings > Log. There's no Log it's actually a Log out button :D
Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 3 27 54β€―PM

I call bullshit! I found the Log button!
ok, you saw the image, i don't feel like making it a reasonable size and dealing with imgur. FFS is this a PITA!

wtf, how did this happen. Mobile development is so weird πŸ˜‚

On the plus side, here's how I shared that image: I took a screenshot inside the android app, went to share the image from the screenshot dialog, and the button f/hoarder came up...which i hit. I went to the pc, had to hit refresh, and it was only a white background with no information, but it was there.

Screenshot from 2024-03-30 11-51-12

You having to hit refresh is tracked in #29.

It being white, I think have something to do with how I "stretch" the content in the container and the screenshot being mostly white. I think if you click the maximize button, you'll see the full screenshot.

Typically, there would be tags, but judging from your other bookmarks, it seems that you don't have automatic tagging enabled. That's why the card feels so "empty" πŸ˜… I'm open to suggestions on how to make it more better looking.

Well, this is bluesky, but i'd want "something" to look at the image and find the "most interesting" part of it and feature that. I.e., in this case, that would clearly be the top of the image, not the bottom. How you do that, not sure. I think it's possible to set global options for how images are displayed, i.e., are they thumbed and centered, stretched, ... and then as this develops, that should change to being able to individually set how those images are shown.

Yeah, better rendering for images is on my todo list (and my todolist is getting quite big) :)

Thanks for the app. So far so good. No problem found.

I'm trying the app on android and I can find no issues with it. I would only suggest to implement a re-fetch button in the note menu for when inference fails. (And possibly even a tag/error that notify of this)

Typically, there would be tags, but judging from your other bookmarks, it seems that you don't have automatic tagging enabled. That's why the card feels so "empty" πŸ˜… I'm open to suggestions on how to make it more better looking.

I wanted to ask about that...is there a discord or anything?

I see that there's a couple API tokens in there. Not sure if they're mine for OpenAI and I don't see where I can enable automatic tagging.

Screenshot from 2024-03-30 13-02-34

I've created a discord channel: https://discord.gg/NrgeYywsFh

Let's chat there.

Network request failed
Server Address

I'm having the same error but it persist. Also same error on Firefox addon (NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource). Is it some misconfiguration on my part? I've tried it with or without http://. The web version works fine though.

@lucius346346 check #23 for the firefox problems.

As for the app, what errors are you getting?

@lucius346346 check #23 for the firefox problems.

As for the app, what errors are you getting?

It's "Network request failed" no matter what I type, including blank. I'm sure I'm typing the right credentials - I can log with them via browser.

Same here with the android app.

Same here, tried both with ip and hostname

@lucius346346 @MikeKMiller @stanrc85 any chance any of you is using a self-signed (or invalid) https cert?
Btw, if any of you would like to hope onto Hoarder's discord so that we can debug it together, I'd be thankful.

No https for me, I posted in the discord!

I have no https either

Also, no.

I managed to repro locally, and the good news is that I think I found the problem. Apparently android release builds by default refuse to connect to HTTP endpoinds (requiring https basically). This behavior is different in release builds vs development builds and hence why I didn't catch it during development.

I'll try some of the mitigations I googled and report back.

I checked immich for example and it seems to be setting this usesCleartextTraffic=true. That I hope will be the fix. Trying it now.


I was just going to suggest that.

Good news, it worked! At least on my test phone!

I've updated the APK link with the new version:


Please give it a try and let me know :)

That worked, I can login now.


Ok, so google just accepting the app for closed testing!

To join the closed testing group, you'll need to join this google group: https://groups.google.com/g/hoarder-android-testers

Once you've joined (I guess you might need to give it a minute or two), you can use the following link to install the app from the app store:

We will need at least 20 testers, for 2 weeks for the app to get listed on the play store. Please give it a try and let me know how it goes!

I've just install this app with my self-hosted Hoarder instance. Woaw, it's working great !
Thanks a lot for your job

I didn't see any conversations in the google group so I'll just mention it here, Please add dark mode. I installed and opened the app (it's midnight local time) and burned my bookmarks to my retinas πŸ˜‚ Other than that, it'd be nice to have one of the following options:

Multiple "Share" options; a quick one (how it is now) and one that pulls up a menu to add tags.

A setting to enable a "complex" share menu with that feature 😁

(Please note: not complaining just giving feedback as a early tester. Love the project, great app πŸ‘)

@Batman313v I've just landed dark mode in c46482c ! I'll cut a new mobile release now and it should be available on your phone when google approves the new release!

As for the complex share menu, this is planned.

Dark mode show now be available in version 1.4.0.

As for publishing the app to the play store. According to google, we're at day 9 of 20. 11 more days to go before we're able to publish the app directly to the play store!

Just installed the Android app and entering the server address on the login screen has a behavior where Gboard hides after each key press

h, keyboard hides, t, keyboard hides, t, keyboard hides, p, keyboard hides...

I had to type the server address in another app and copy/paste into the server address field in your app because it would have taken too long.

@mycodex-dev I've just now released v1.5 for the mobile app (might take an hour until google propagates it), that fixes this particular issue. Sorry for the hassle.

EDIT: Commit for reference: 4f9b6c8

@mycodex-dev I've just now released v1.5 for the mobile app (might take an hour until google propagates it), that fixes this particular issue. Sorry for the hassle.

EDIT: Commit for reference: 4f9b6c8

Awesome! Love the mobile app so far. This completely removed my need for Pocket and even Google Keep with the notes functionality with markdown support chef's kiss.

Keep up the great work!

Hey folks, thanks a lot for your support! Hoarder's android app is now live on the play store!. If you're interested in more stability, you can now switch to the prod app, if you're interested for the latest updates, you can stay on the testing list. And while, you're at it, maybe maybe leave a review on the play store ;)

Android app works perfectly! I really like having it as a share target. Left a glowing review :)