
This is a web app built using Next, Typescript and Mongo DB. It consists of a car showcase website with the ability of searching and filtering cars based on fuel, gas, year and other cool features. It exploits RapidCar API to populate the website with all those cool cars !

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project is part of jsmastery course on Next and Typescript. Follow him for more of such content on Webdev.


the API throughout this project is RapidAPI cars, it provides a rich dataset of cars with many useful features that can be exploited for a lot of use cases!


I have added the authentication part to the original website. Although I have not exploited it, it can be developed to allow users to add their preferred cars or even their own cars to the website. To ease up development and learn more about Next-Auth, I have used Google Auth API to handle authentication.

What I have learned:

This mini-project allowed me to learn and boost my skills in the follwing:

  • Next
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Google Auth API

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

N.B: Make sure to create your own .env file and fill it with your own credentials.