Get Node Package Version


"Get Node Package Version" is a GitHub Action that allows you to extract version information from a package.json file. It reads the major, minor, and patch versions, as well as the complete version string from the specified package.json file.


This action can be integrated into your workflows to automatically fetch version details from a Node.js project's package.json file.


  • package-path: The path to your package.json file.
    • Default: "." (current directory)
    • This is an optional input. If not specified, it defaults to the package.json in the current directory.


  • major-version: The major version of your package.
  • minor-version: The minor version of your package.
  • patch-version: The patch version of your package.
  • package-version: The full version string from your package.json.

Example Workflow

Add the following step to your GitHub Actions workflow to use this action:

  - name: Checkout
    uses: actions/checkout@v2

  - name: Get Node Package Version
    id: package-version
    uses: Mohmn/node-package-version@v1
      package-path: 'path/to/package.json' # Optional

  - name: Use Versions
    run: |
      echo "Major Version: ${{ steps.package-version.outputs.major-version }}"
      echo "Minor Version: ${{ steps.package-version.outputs.minor-version }}"
      echo "Patch Version: ${{ steps.package-version.outputs.patch-version }}"
      echo "Package Version: ${{ steps.package-version.outputs.package-version }}"