
Exporting gempy models to flac3D issues

nearfuture625 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi Moise Rousseau,

Thank you for adding the function of exporting f3grid files imported for flac3D for gempy, I recently had a problem using this module to export a model of gempy with four layers of geological structure, I couldn't find your email address, I would like to ask you a question. As you can see, my model is divided into three transverse parts by two intersecting faults, and the model structure is relatively complex. After using the export.export_flac3D_input() function you defined, the f3grid file was successfully exported, but I had a problem importing the mesh file to flac3D version 6.0, and the flac only recognized the number of mesh points and failed to find the zone, the import result is shown below。
The profile and 3D drawings of the model I built with gempy are attached
Looking forward to your response, thank you again