
`provision-with-micromamba` is deprecated

Closed this issue · 3 comments

See mamba-org/provision-with-micromamba#122 and its near-identical replacement

There does not appear to be urgency to remove it and I speculate it might continue to work for a few years for most use cases.

So far, a couple of one-liners seem to be doing the trick within OpenFF infrastructure, which does not dig deeply into the options either action provides. Something similar might work in this repo, I have not tried it.

$ sed -i 's/provision-with-micromamba\@main/setup-micromamba@v1/g' .github/workflows/*
$ sed -i 's/extra-specs: |/create-args: >-/' .github/workflows/*

Should be closed by #172 once review23 in merged - @sjayellis can you confirm?

Yes, this should be taken care of once 'review23' is merged.

I believe this can be closed now. Reopen if not the case :)