
Crashing when insulating armor

SamuraiSal1224 opened this issue · 1 comments

So, I was playing on my custom modpack with Coldsweat and a few other mods installed. Everything worked as normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Until, I insulate my clothing. I insulate it, and everything again, works fine. Until I hit escape, which saves autosaves the game. At that point, immediately my entire game crashes, back to desktop, with the following error:

The game crashed whilst saving entity nbt
Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: some keys are not strings: [{data:{components:{},items:["minecraft:leather_boots"]},insulation:{cold:4.0d,heat:4.0d},slot:"item"}]

Crash File Cold Sweat.txt

I removed any mods I had thought were conflicting, like Vic's Point Blank firearms, but the issue has still occured. I am stuck. Help would be appreciated.

Duplicated by #389. This will be fixed in the next update