
Librtmfp on cygwin

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I planned to compile librtmfp on cygwin and use it with your ffmpeg fork
but I just saw on your INSTALL file that it's still not supported.
is it still on your roadmap?

Is your ffmpeg version needs absolutely cygwin?
no way to compile it for windows like librtmfp?

ffmpeg has been developed for linux and cygwin is the only way to compile it on Windows.

I would like to add support for cygwin but sadly I can't find time for this now.

Hi Thomas,
why not just to off librtmfp to the ffmpeg standard as with -enable-nonfree option?
maybe motivate some guys here to help you out? I'm unfortunately C++ ignorant for now... missing time also ;). btw I promote your repo to some developers linked to any rtmfp subject so you should get some support soon...