
Project tracker takes inputs from the @Multi-Task Panoptic Perception model and LiDAR sensor and fuses them together to create accurate pose and velocity estimates of the object over time in 3D space.

Primary LanguagePython

☁️ Project Tracker

Project tracker takes inputs from the @Multi-Task Panoptic Perception model and LiDAR sensor and fuses them together to create accurate pose and velocity estimates of the object over time in 3D space.

All Contributors



Requirements for CARLA Example


Moving KITTI data to correct directory

  • Move download of KITTI dataset to /home/mcav/DATASETS/KITTI/, unzip the downloaded zip and copy the folder named 2011_09_26 into the KITTI directory.
├── KITTI                                                                                                               
    └── 2011_09_26
        └── 2011_09_25_drive_0048_sync
            ├── image_00                  # image data and timestamps
                ├── data
            ├── image_01                  # image data and timestamps
                ├── data
            ├── image_02                  # image data and timestamps
                ├── data
            ├── image_03                  # image data and timestamps
                ├── data
            ├── oxts                      # IMU data and timestamps
                ├── data
            └── velodyne_points           # LiDAR pointcloud data and timestamps
                ├── data

Alternatively move your KITTI folder into another folder and specify this when calling mock_pub.py with ROS arguments:

ros2 run project_tracker mock_pub.py --ros-args -p kitti_data_dir:="PATH_TO_YOUR_KITTI/2011_09_26/2011_09_25_drive_0048_sync_DIRECTORY"

Creating workspace and package

  • Create a ROS2 workspace by following these instructions
  • Go to the source directory: cd ~/mcav_ws/src
  • Clone this repository: git clone
  • Go to the root of the workspace: cd ~/mcav_ws
  • Install ROS dependencies: rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
  • Build the package: colcon build

This should result in a directory structre similar to the following:

├── build   
├── install
├── log                                                                                                              
└── src
    └── project_tracker
        ├── carla_integration       # files relevant to running CARLA example
        ├── launch                  # launch files for different examples
        ├── project_tracker         # python scripts used in the package
        └── src                     # C++ nodes used in the package


Note, for every terminal opened you should navigate to the root folder of your workspace (cd ~/mcav_ws) and source the setup file (. install/setup.bash).

Option 1: Running on live sensor data with velodyne VLP16 lidar

Terminal 1 (Filter and cluster lidar points):

ros2 launch project_tracker tracking.launch.xml launch_velodyne:=true

Terminal 2 (Visualise result in rviz):

rviz2 -d config/tracker.rviz

Option 2: Run on data from the KITTI dataset

Terminal 1 (Mock KITTI Publisher):

ros2 run project_tracker mock_pub.py --ros-args -p kitti_data_dir:="PATH_TO_YOUR_KITTI/2011_09_26/2011_09_25_drive_0048_sync_DIRECTORY"

Terminal 2 (Filter Node to reduce number of LiDAR points):

ros2 run project_tracker filter

Terminal 3 (Cluster Node to produce clusters, bounding boxes and DetectedObjectArray):

ros2 run project_tracker cluster.py

Terminal 4 (Mock Image Publisher to publish images):

ros2 run project_tracker mock_image_pub.py <Image_Path> <Frame_Id>
eg. ros2 run project_tracker mock_image_pub.py /home/mcav/DATASETS/streetViewImages/ velodyne 

Terminal 5 (Object Detection Node to detect objects from images):

ros2 run project_tracker object_detection.py

Option 3: Run with CARLA simulator

Recording ROS bags in Carla

Terminal 1 (Launch CARLA Server):

/opt/carla-simulator/CarlaUE4.sh -quality-level=Low

Terminal 2 (Source and launch CARLA ROS Bridge):

cd <PATH-TO-carla_ros_bridge> 
source  ./install/setup.bash
ros2 launch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge.launch.py -timeout:=10

Terminal 3 (Spawn Ego Vehicle): Must make sure to modify the 'objects_definition_file' in carla_ros_bridge.launch.py to reflect where .json objects file is stored

ros2 launch carla_spawn_objects carla_example_ego_vehicle.launch.py objects_definition_file:='./carla_integration/tracking.json'

Terminal 4 (Take manual control of Ego Vehicle):

ros2 launch carla_manual_control carla_manual_control.launch.py

Terminal 5 (Spawn Non-Player Characters: vehicles and pedestrians): Set to no rendering mode to reduce computational load in non-manual control window.

python3 ./carla_integration/generate_traffic.py -n 150 -w 100 --no-rendering
  • Drive the car using the manual control window
  • Open rviz2 in a new terminal and set frame_id to ego_vehicle, add pointcloud from /carla/ego_vehicle/lidar and camera from /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_front

Optional: record and play back ROS Bags from CARLA

While driving with manual control:

  • New terminal: record ROS bags for later use
cd ~/mcav_ws/src/project_tracker/bag_files
ros2 bag record -o <RECORD-DIR> `ros2 topic list | grep --regexp="/carla/*"` /tf
e.g. ros2 bag record -o manual_150 `ros2 topic list | grep --regexp="/carla/*"` /tf

Playing back ROS bags later:

  • Terminal 1: play ROS bags back (at faster rate as recording lags a lot)
cd ~/mcav_ws/src/project_tracker/bag_files
ros2 bag play <BAG-NAME> -r 2.0
e.g. ros2 bag play manual_150 -r 2.0
  • Terminal 2: source workspace setup file and run carla_tracking launch file
cd ~/mcav_ws
. install/setup.bash
ros2 launch project_tracker carla_tracking.launch.py
  • Terminal 3: launch rviz2 and set frame_id to 'velodyne'. Add relevant pointcloud/image topics

ROS Parameters and Topics

Please see the ROSINFO.md file for more info.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these people (emoji key):

Ben Edwards
Ben Edwards

Amir Toosi
Amir Toosi

Laksh Jaisinghani
Laksh Jaisinghani

Owen Brooks
Owen Brooks


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Carla ROS bags with self-driving ego_vehicle and autopilot traffic

Need to figure out how to get auto-pilot cars/pedestrians in that don't crash (Traffic Manager issue)

  • Think issue stems from fact that traffic manager that is created with carla_ad_demo overrides the traffic manager created when spawning extra traffic with generate_traffic.py from PythonAPI/examples. Link below may help solve issue, but unsure whether anything is being done wrong https://carla.readthedocs.io/en/latest/adv_traffic_manager/


  1. Start Carla Agent /opt/carla-simulator/CarlaUE4.sh
  2. Source carla_ad_demo repo
cd <PATH-TO-carla_ros_bridge> (on the beauty this is ~/Sheng/carla_ros_bridge, the beast it is ~/liam_ws/carla_ros_bridge, I think)
source  ./install/setup.bash
  1. Launch carla_ad_demo ros2 launch carla_ad_demo carla_ad_demo.launch.py Must make sure to modify the 'objects_definition_file' in carla_ad_demo.launch.py to reflect where .json objects file is stored
  2. TODO: Spawn NPCs -> currently they crash as soon as they are spawned which makes it impossible for the AD to drive
  3. Open rviz and set frame_id to ego_vehicle, add pointcloud from /carla/ego_vehicle/lidar and camera from /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_front
  4. Optionally record ROS bags for later use
ros2 bag record -o <TOPIC-NAME> `ros2 topic list | grep --regexp="/carla/*"` /tf