
upsert_one() on a missing document does an insert, not considering default field values

manuel-koch opened this issue · 2 comments

MongoDB 5.0

Persisting a document lacks fields defined in the Document class:

class MyDocument(Document):
    version = IntField(default=1)
    foo = StringField(required=True)
    bar = StringField(required=True)

Creating an instance when there is nothing to be updated yet, doesn't consider default field value it seems ( or my expectation of the "insert" functionality of "upsert_one" is plain wrong ):


Inspecting the collection I can find the new document instance, but it only has fields "foo" and "bar" but lacks "version" !?

Yet another quirk when you forget to supply required field values - validation is not performed and that field gets a None value when reading it back from db after the "insert" is done.

MyDocument.objects({"foo":"Hello"}).upsert_one(foo="World") # "bar" is not supplied but still required

@manuel-koch RE the missing default, as a workaround, it's also possible to do:

MyDocument.objects({"foo":"Hello"}).upsert_one(foo="World", set_on_insert__version=1)