
This is a list of resources curated from the Slack channel for Udacity's first phase of AI Track scholarship challenge

Deep Learning Resources

  • What is it?

    This is a list of resources curated from the Slack channel for Udacity's first phase of AI Track scholarship challenge

  • Why use it?

    As the Slack channel will have multiple conversations going on. I thought best to consolidate all the resources into one repository for anyone to access any time without having to go through all the conversations.

  • How to contribute?

    All are welcome to open a Pull Request or raise an issue, with the content you would like to share

    • What kind of content?

      Text tutorials, video resources, youtube playlists, self-paced learning courses, ebooks... I hope you get the point.

      All and any form of content can be shared here.


Self-Paced Tutorials

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and stuff



  • Youtube: 3Blue1Brown by Grant Sanderson, is combination of math and entertainment. The goal is for explanations to be driven by animations and for difficult problems to be made simple with changes in perspective.

Ebooks/Text Tutorials



Coding Environment

  • Google Colab Colaboratory is a free Jupyter notebook environment provided by Google. If your local workstation cannot take the workload, Google Colab is the platform to use.
