
Maven repository url for current version missing/broken

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As far as I can tell there should be a 1.3.0 release available somewhere in a remote maven based repository that can be used.

When looking for a suitable repository on only the findbugs plugin is found at all?!

However, regardless of which url (and version of the linter plugin) is used in the gradle file for the repository and dependency the result is always the same.

Gradle file:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url '<URL>'

dependencies {
  androidLint 'com.monits:android-linters:<VERSION>'

Result when running gradle clean build:

> Could not resolve com.monits:android-linters:<VERSION>
  > Could not parse POM <URL>/com/monits/android-linters/<VERSION>/android-linters-<VERSION>.pom
    > Could not find com.monits:java-pom:2.0-SNAPSHOT.