
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement opencv-python==4.5.2

Rings4 opened this issue · 6 comments


I tried changing the python version to but that produces the following error:


Can you please advise me what to do? Windows 10.

Try a ~= (compatible version) instead of == (exactly that version). That fixes the first error for me.

When installing imagededup via pip:

ERROR: Cannot install -r requirements.txt (line 1) and -r requirements.txt (line 3) because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.

The conflict is caused by:
    opencv-python depends on numpy>=1.19.3
    imagededup 0.2.2 depends on numpy<1.17
    opencv-python depends on numpy>=1.19.3
    imagededup 0.2.1 depends on numpy<1.17
    opencv-python depends on numpy>=1.19.3
    imagededup 0.1.0 depends on numpy==1.16.3
    opencv-python depends on numpy>=1.19.3
    imagededup 0.0.4 depends on numpy==1.16.3
    opencv-python depends on numpy>=1.19.3
    imagededup 0.0.3 depends on numpy==1.16.3
    opencv-python depends on numpy>=1.19.3
    imagededup 0.0.2 depends on numpy==1.16.3
    opencv-python depends on numpy>=1.19.3
    imagededup 0.0.1 depends on numpy==1.16.3

Got this part working by first cloning and then installing imagededup 0.2.4 like the linux method originally contained as its only on github and not in pip. Afterwards dependencies were satisfied as imagededup 0.2.4 uses numpy 1.20

Got this part working by first cloning and then installing imagededup 0.2.4 like the linux method originally contained as its only on github and not in pip. Afterwards dependencies were satisfied as imagededup 0.2.4 uses numpy 1.20

Can you explain how to do this to someone who doesn't normally use cmd?

Essentially you'll have to clone and install a local copy of the newer imagededup for it to work. So either in another folder or inside your cloned copy of this repo run:

git clone --recursive
cd imagededup/
pip install "cython>=0.29"
python install

Then afterwards, edit requirements.txt for this project changing
opencv-python==4.5.2 to opencv-python==

Then finally try to rerun the install again and it may spit out a couple errors but should complete and run

This worked for me:
pip install opencv-python