
'async' to match 'await' highlighting?

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Small point but it would be really nice if the highlight color for 'async' matches that for 'await' as it currently does in VS Code. Not a big deal but just makes is so much easier when scanning code. At the moment 'async' is just the same color as the following 'function'.

The colors depend on the syntax definitions of each editor. I've tried to make them the same, but it's not always possible.

In Sublime Text async is marked as storage.type and await as keyword.control.flow. So in Sublime Text async conceptually is a type of function, and await is a keyword to make sure the control flow of your program waits for a promise to resolve. There are other storage types like const for example. Styling one affects the other.

VSCode has a different type for async keywords: storage.modifier.async. This is more specific, so you can alter this color without affecting the other storage modifiers. Currently this doesn't seem possible in Sublime Text

Thanks for looking into it all the same. Much appreciated!