
error loading theme at loading sublime

Closed this issue · 15 comments


I want to clear things up. Is there any URL that your package is contacting at loading up?

The code inside my theme doesn't contact any URL on startup. Only when you click in the popup, then you'll navigate to

Why are you asking?

Well if I don't have internet or only a dns link then the theme is not loading and there are a lot of errors popping up

here for example on a host that I just reboot after a windows update that is fully connected to internet but indeed with some dns filtering so I do'nt know if it's related

monokaiproAnnotation 2020-06-09 202349

I got the same error. is unavailable from Russia.

I think both issues are unrelated to I don't ping any URLs in my code and I don't block any specific countries on (might be ISP related?)

The problem is caused by sublime package manager. While updating monokai pro theme the package manager disables the package but fails to replace it as cannot access the website.

The website is partially inaccessible from Russia (tested from different ISP). That can be caused by our country-wide websites blacklist. Also I tested website using internet host ping services and found that it is partially inaccessible from Japan.

That's unfortunate. I've tried some ping testers and DNS checkers online, but they all resolve. Do you have a link to a service that gives errors from Russia & Japan?

Yes, here they are:

  1. Russia:
    I checked ip address ( and it is blocked in Russia:

  2. Japan:
    I see all hosts inaccessible from Japan in, so is fine there.

anyway, since it is most probably a problam about the updating from the package maanger, is it possible to resolve on your end in your code to actually store the theme even when it is updated or maybe moved somewhere as a fallback, and maybe add a if or something alike?
your website is actually blocked by many blocklist used by or pihole or other

and it would be useful also in cas of your server is offline for whatever reason, because of ddos or anything alike

There are 3 possible solutions:

  1. Create an issue for sublime package manager and wait until it will be fixed
  2. Move the distribution of monokai packages to GitHub
  3. Do something with the website to unblock it

As a temporary solution I would suggest to update sublime packages using VPN and than to disable automatic updates.

I didn't look how the package manager is working. So there would be no by-pass to how the package is stored or anything?
For my blocklist it wasn't that apparently since it was already whitelisted. I guess a temporary down from the routes or anything like that. Is there any open tickets about that on sublime packager?

I've moved my server to another IP just in case. Maybe that helps.

Problem solved for me.

Just to add that if you add the following extra keys to your package control settings you can prevent the issues if you are behind a limited access environment:

    "auto_upgrade": false,
    "submit_usage": false,
    "remove_orphaned": false,