
Add support for ''draw_active_single" Sublime preference

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In ST4 there is a preference for "indent_guide_options" which I have set to ["draw_active", "solid", "draw_active_single"],

With a standard ST theme this renders the active indent guide a brighter color than the other indent guides. With this theme it has no effect.

Could you amend the theme to respect this setting?

Maybe I misunderstand. @benfrain can you post a screenshot and the name of the color scheme you're using? I think draw_active_single only displays the active guide instead of all its parents. In that sense, draw_active and draw_active_single seem mutually exclusive.


Sure, with those settings, here is Monokai Pro:


And here is the default theme (Mariana):


Notice the brighter line at the current indent level using Mariana?

This finally works in 1.2.0. I didn't understand what went wrong all this time, but I had activeGuide and stackGuide incorrectly camel-cased instead of active_guide and stack_guide.