
After updating from Sublime Text 4126 -> 4142 the yaml format is all yellow

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After updating from Sublime Text 4126 -> 4142 the yaml syntax highlighting is the same color for keys and string values.

Screenshot 2022-11-10 at 9 44 23 AM

In the release notes for Build 4142:

  • Added syntax-based code folding
  • Various syntax highlighting improvements

My config:

	"theme": "Monokai Pro (Filter Spectrum).sublime-theme",
	"color_scheme": "Monokai Pro (Filter Spectrum).sublime-color-scheme",

Seems like the new build changed the scopes. e.g. YAML keys now have the scope:

source.yaml meta.mapping.key.yaml meta.string.yaml string.unquoted.plain.out.yaml

which Monokai Pro doesn't have any color definitions for

As a workaround, go to "Customize Color Scheme" and add:

      "name": "YAML strings",
      "scope": "source.yaml meta.mapping.key string",
      "foreground": "#ff6188",

Fixed in 1.2.0.