
About Fashion200K dataset

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for your time!
The training set of Fashion200k dataset is to get 'source_img', 'target_img', 'mod_text' for training, but the test sets of many projects are separate, for example, using def 'get_test_queries' to get 29,789 query, which contains 'source_img' and 'mod_text', as well as the 's_img_caption' and 't_img_caption', but I would like to ask how to get the 'target_img', so as to get the complete ternary for test.

Yes, the Fashion200k dataset does not directly provide the query triples. The target images and reference images are separated at this line in the code:

def generate_random_train_queries_(self, n_modifications_per_image=3):
. The dataset processing code is inherited from CosMo, and we did not modify it.

Thanks a lot! May I have your e-mail, please?