Know Thyself

Simple Journaling - Hard Prompts

Know Thyself if a web journaling app to help build self knowledge through the practice of responding to thought provoking writing prompts with a minimum word count.


  • Login with Google or make a new account locally
  • See the weather and time in your area
  • Get supplied with thought provoking prompts for journaling
  • Ability to write words on said prompt
  • Complete at least 500 words on that prompt to save it
  • View entries and prompts from past days
  • Habit Tracker (add, track and remove habits)

Getting Started / Installing

Install locally following these steps

  • Clone or fork the repo
  • In the root folder... npm install.
  • In knowthyself/frontend... npm install

This will install all the dependencies needed to run locally.

  • To setup Oauth login
  • go to
  • creat a new project
  • search from Oauth api
  • from there create credientials => create Oauth client ID
  • in credientals => Oauth consent screen
  • add authorized domain - it will be localhost://3000
  • go back to credentials => click on your project
  • add your origin URI (eg.localhost://3000) and your redirect URI (eg localhost://3000/auth/google & localhost://3000/profile)
  • add client secret and client ID
  • make an .env file in the root directory and plug in all this information
  • .env files are formatted like this SOME_VAR=somevalue

To run locally you need to...

  • Have two instances of terminal open
  • In one, window the root folder...npm run dev
  • The other, in knowthyself/frontend... npm start

Built With

