
Incompatible with gnome shell 42

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Plugin at is incompatible with Gnome Shell 42 (Manjaro, shell version 42.4).
I forced installing incompatible extensions by command gsettings set disable-extension-version-validation true, and after few days of using plugin, I didn't noticed any bugs or issues.

Please consider test and raise up compatibility version, because it's very useful and straight forward plugin 👍

works fine with Gnome 43.0 by disabling the version check.

Good to know, thanks to both of you for testing my extension. Gonna bump the version soon!
edit: Happy Halloween!

updated compatibility included in pull request #3 for good measure

Uploaded the extension with explicit support for 42 and 43 to
I'm going to close this thread when the "new" version gets accepted.

Looks like the "new" version got accepted, Closing this thread.