
Removing compatibility with GNOME 3.3x

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Yesterday Debian 12 was released.
Debian 12 includes GNOME 43 while the previous version included 3.38.

I don't know any other distribution that still ships a version of GNOME lower than 40, so I'm thinking of removing 3.3x compatibility in the next month or two.

Batwam commented

Considering the small % of users, I agree that we shouldn't worry about dropping gnome 3.3x compatibility if needed. I personally have one laptop with Gnome 3.36 (due to kernel compatibility with Nvidia drivers...) but EGO would still let me download the latest compatible version for it, while proposing the latest versions for my main machine.

Are you thinking about updating pref.js based on libAdwaita?

The basic idea will be to drop GTK3 workarounds and start writing prefs.js based on GTK4 objects.

The target version will be 40, I think libAdwaita was introduced later.

Batwam commented

Ok, yeah, it looks like libadwaita came out with Gnome 42.

Any updates on this?

I'm currently too busy to work on this project.

I'm not so busy now, the two months had passed, and I updated Debian.

Time to break compatibility!
As @Batwam suggested I think it will be best to also ditch 40, 41 and 42. I don't want can't test the extension on them anyway and the differences between 43 and previous 4x versions aren't insignificant.

@michlampert contributed #73 and I want to add something else alongside it. The best candidate would be to update prefs to use GTK4 widgets.

PRs are welcomed.

A new version is out. And metadata.json only declares compatibility for GNOME 43 and 44.

Looking good and modern on my end too 👍