
does not compile with newer ffmpeg versions (FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE)

macearl opened this issue · 12 comments

for newer ffmpeg versions FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE in scan.c needs to be renamed to AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE to be able to compile again

Good find and thanks for the feedback! And you’re actually correct since libavresample has been deprecated for a while but I didn’t get around changing the code to work with FFmpeg’s libswresample yet.

So, yes, for the time being you might need to do the above change. (Usually the case on rolling releases like Arch or Manjaro that have the newest software.)

I still plan to rework it, so it’ll cleanly compile using the newer libraries.

ah so ideally in the future libavresample will be dropped completely from the dependencies?

Yes, that’s the plan. But it’ll use libswresample instead ;-)

of course, its just that libswresample is included in my ffmpeg package, whereas libavresample is not anymore due to it being deprecated.

I'll keep an eye out for future versions.

That’s exactly the point. It was a kludge in the first place, since some distros dropped FFmpeg for some years, most notably Ubuntu … Now that everyone is back using FFmpeg we will also. :-)

What kind and version of Linux are you building on?

Would you do me a favour and test out the "libswresample" branch?

If you kept your git-cloned folder, this should be as easy as:

git checkout libswresample
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

There are still a few deprecated calls in scan.c which I plan to clean out in the long run, but this version did cleanly build here on Ubuntu 18.04, Linux Mint 19.1 and Manjaro 18.0.4, using libswresample instead of libavresample.

Seems to work fine (tested just one Album of flac files).

Im running Arch Linux, so not really a surprise that it works if you already tested it on manjaro

Good to know, let me know if you find any more problems!

if there are any i should know in an hour or so, i just started the script on my complete music collection ;)

Woohaa, one of the brave! Good luck (and I do hope you have a backup, read all the docs, and remember there are no warranties …) :-) If all turns out well, give loudgain a star! ;-)

Fortunately, using Arch, your taglib will be new enough not to expose the Ogg Vorbis corruption bug (just in case you have some).

yeah i got a backup.

Everything seems to have worked fine, all files i checked got the replaygain tags written and the old ones removed.

It just took quite a bit longer than i expected, but i just let the computer do its thing and just checked on it again.

Good to hear, thanks for testing and feedback!