
Update Arma 3 to V2 version

diaverso opened this issue · 7 comments

try to update it manually. But I get an error.
These are the codes that I have modified
{ "Name": "Arma3", "Author": "diaverso", "UpdateUrl": null, "DonateUrl": null, "StartupCommand": "./{{SERVER_BINARY}} -ip= -port={{SERVER_PORT}} -profiles=./serverprofile -bepath=./ -cfg=basic.cfg -config=server.cfg -mod=\"{{CLIENT_MODS}}\" -serverMod=\"{{SERVERMODS}}\" \"{{STARTUP_PARAMS}}\"", "OnlineDetection": "! For help, type ", "StopCommand": "^C", "InstallShell": "/bin/bash", "InstallDockerImage": "", "InstallScript": "# install script here\r\n#!/bin/bash\r\n\r\n## File: Pterodactyl Arma 3 Egg - egg-arma3.json\r\n## Author: David Wolfe (Red-Thirten)\r\n## Update by : FlashModz\r\n## Date: 2022/05/22\r\n## Update Date: 2023/11/15\r\n## License: MIT License\r\n## Image to install with is '\\/parkervcp\\/installers:debian'\r\n# Install packages. Default packages below are skipped if using image noted above, thus speeding up the install process.\r\n\r\napt -y update\r\napt -y --no-install-recommends install curl lib32gcc-s1 ca-certificates\r\n# Check for valid Steam credentials to download Arma 3 with (requires valid Steam account)\r\nif [[ \"${STEAM_USER}\" == \"\" ]] || [[ \"${STEAM_USER}\" == \"anonymous\" ]] || [[ \"${STEAM_PASS}\" == \"\" ]]; then \r\n echo -e \"INSTALLATION ERROR: A valid REAL Steam account is required to download the Arma 3 Dedicated Server.\" \r\n echo -e \"(\\\"anonymous\\\" account cannot be used. Game ownership is not required.)\" \r\n exit 1\r\nfi\r\n \r\n# Download and install SteamCMD\r\ncd /tmp\r\nmkdir -p /mnt/server/steamcmd /mnt/server/steamapps\r\ncurl -sSL -o steamcmd.tar.gz\r\ntar -xzvf steamcmd.tar.gz -C /mnt/server/steamcmd\r\ncd /mnt/server/steamcmd\r\n\r\n# SteamCMD fails otherwise for some reason, even running as root.\r\n# This is changed at the end of the install process anyways.\r\nchown -R root:root /mnt\r\nexport HOME=/mnt/server\r\n\r\n# Install game server using SteamCMD\r\n./ +force_install_dir /mnt/server \"+login \"${STEAM_USER}\" \"${STEAM_PASS}\"\" +app_update ${STEAMCMD_APPID} ${STEAMCMD_EXTRA_FLAGS} validate +quit\r\n\r\n# Set up 32 and 64 bit libraries\r\nmkdir -p /mnt/server/.steam/sdk{32,64}\r\ncp -v linux32/ /mnt/server/.steam/sdk32/\r\ncp -v linux64/ /mnt/server/.steam/sdk64/\r\n\r\n# Arma 3 setup\r\ncd /mnt/server/\r\n[[ -f basic.cfg ]] || curl -sSLO ${BASIC_URL}/basic.cfg\r\n[[ -f server.cfg ]] || curl -sSLO ${BASIC_URL}/server.cfg\r\nchmod 644 basic.cfg server.cfg", "ParseConfiguration": "[]", "AllocationsNeeded": 1, "Variables": [ { "Key": "STEAM_USER", "DefaultValue": "diaverso", "DisplayName": "usuario", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "STEAM_PASS", "DefaultValue": "", "DisplayName": "contraseña", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "STEAMCMD_ATTEMPTS", "DefaultValue": "3", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "SERVER_BINARY", "DefaultValue": "arma3server_x64", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "STARTUP_PARAMS", "DefaultValue": "-noLogs", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "MAX_PLAYERS", "DefaultValue": "32", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "SERVER_PASSWORD", "DefaultValue": "", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "UPDATE_SERVER", "DefaultValue": "1", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "DISABLE_MOD_UPDATES", "DefaultValue": "0", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "CDLC", "DefaultValue": "0", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "MOD_FILE", "DefaultValue": "modlist.html", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "MODIFICATIONS", "DefaultValue": "", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "MODS_LOWERCASE", "DefaultValue": "1", "DisplayName": "mayusculas", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "VALIDATE_SERVER", "DefaultValue": "0", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "SERVERMODS", "DefaultValue": "", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "OPTIONALMODS", "DefaultValue": "", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "STEAMCMD_EXTRA_FLAGS", "DefaultValue": "", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "HC_NUM", "DefaultValue": "0", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "HC_HIDE", "DefaultValue": "1", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "CLEAR_CACHE", "DefaultValue": "0", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "STEAMCMD_APPID", "DefaultValue": "233780", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null }, { "Key": "BASIC_URL", "DefaultValue": "", "DisplayName": "", "Description": "", "AllowView": false, "AllowEdit": false, "Filter": null } ], "DefaultDockerImage": 0, "AllowDockerImageChange": false, "DockerImages": [ { "DisplayName": "", "Name": "", "AutoPull": false } ] }


Hey ☺️

CAN you send the error here ?

Hey ☺️

CAN you send the error here ?

This is the imported file, which I modified a few things.

The server is successfully created and downloaded.

But when you click on start, this error appears.

`An unhandled exception has been thrown

Moonlight.Features.Servers.Exceptions.NodeException: [servers/1/power/start?runAsync=False] (InternalServerError):
at async Task MoonCore.Helpers.HttpApiClient.HandleRequestError(HttpResponseMessage response, string path)
at async Task MoonCore.Helpers.HttpApiClient.SendRaw(HttpMethod method, string path, string body, string contentType, Stream fileStream, string fileName)
at async Task MoonCore.Helpers.HttpApiClient.Send(HttpMethod method, string path, string body, string contentType, Stream fileStream, string fileName)
at async Task MoonCore.Helpers.HttpApiClient.Post(string path, object body)
at async Task Moonlight.Features.Servers.Services.ServerConsoleService.SendAction(Server server, PowerAction powerAction, bool runAsync) in /src/Moonlight/Features/Servers/Services/ServerConsoleService.cs:line 22
at async Task Moonlight.Features.Servers.UI.Layouts.UserLayout.Start() in /src/Moonlight/Features/Servers/UI/Layouts/UserLayout.razor:line 304
at async Task MoonCoreUI.Components.Forms.WButton.Do()+(?) => { }
at async Task MoonCoreUI.Components.Forms.WButton.Do()
at async Task Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.CallStateHasChangedOnAsyncCompletion(Task task)
at async Task Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.GetErrorHandledTask(Task taskToHandle, ComponentState owningComponentState)`

Hum 🤨
When you install the image, you have an error during install ?

Here you have a video of the settings and installation


It's better, the context explains a lot of things.
It seems that moonlight does not process status-related information.

This may be related to the final state of the installation, does the container exist on the host?
you share the daemon logs?


It's better, the context explains a lot of things. It seems that moonlight does not process status-related information.

This may be related to the final state of the installation, does the container exist on the host? you share the daemon logs?


In portainer, I only get this.

I fixed it, I attach the file.

I understand that the variable that puts HC_NUM are the headless clients that you want to be executed, right?
Because I set it to 3 and none of them is executed.