
  • 0001 Two Sum 27 Nov @Chi
  • 0020 Valid Parentheses
  • 0121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
  • 0122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
  • 0198 House Robber
  • 0278 First Bad Version
  • 0704 Binary Search


  • 0033 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 11 Dec @Chi
  • 0091 Decode Ways
  • 0096 Unique Binary Search Trees
  • 0102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
  • 0139 Word Break
  • 0200 Number of Islands
  • 0208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
  • 0221 Maximal Square
  • 0227 Basic Calculator II
  • 0287 Find the Duplicate Number
  • 0294 Flip Game II
  • 0337 House Robber III
  • 0353 Design Snake Game
  • 0416 Partition Equal Subset Sum
  • 0474 Ones and Zeroes
  • 0486 Predict the Winner
  • 0651 4 Keys Keyboard
  • 0695 Max Area of Island
  • 0712 Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings
  • 0790 Domino and Tromino Tiling
  • 0802 Find Eventual Safe States
  • 0875 Koko Eating Bananas
  • 0881 Boats to Save People 3 Dec @Scot
  • 1066 Campus Bikes II
  • 1155 Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum
  • 1167 Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks
  • 1254 Number of Closed Islands


  • 0010 Regular Expression Matching
  • 0023 Merge k Sorted Lists
  • 0044 Wildcard Matching
  • 0072 Edit Distance
  • 0097 Interleaving String
  • 0115 Distinct Subsequences
  • 0124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
  • 0132 Palindrome Partitioning II
  • 0224 Basic Calculator
  • 0265 Paint House II
  • 0269 Alien Dictionary
  • 0301 Remove Invalid Parentheses
  • 0316 Remove Duplicate Letters
  • 0329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix
  • 0340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters
  • 0403 Frog Jump
  • 0514 Freedom Trail
  • 0552 Student Attendance Record II
  • 0773 Sliding Puzzle
  • 0827 Making A Large Island
  • 1095 Find in Mountain Array